Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Girls and The Beach!

So this post will be roughly a week old but things have been so crazy over the last week that I was unable to truly sit down and put all my words down into one coherent sentence let alone an entire post. So without further waiting let's take a trip in my magical storytelling time machine and let me tell you the tale of four little princesses and their first trip to the land of endless water and gritty sand!

        It was a gorgeous Sunday morning, I do believe it was that magical day that all the Mothers in the world are celebrated as being one of the toughest and least respected jobs there is (we as a whole really need to start doing this on a constant basis and not just showing our gratitude one day a year...), regardless I awoke this morning to cook my amazing wife breakfast and begin to put in motion what I thought would be an incredible day (more on this later). So Heather wakes up and I present her a gorgeous plate with what could be described as the "Worlds Greatest Omelet" as well as the cards from the girls and I as well as the girl's present. Mine unfortunately was stuck in the infinite loop that is Kay's Jewelers... which I might add is still stuck in this loop.

        After presents were given and cards were read Heather got up and began getting ready for our trip which at this time I REALLY wish men came with the ability to read minds because I might have been able to pick up on the vibes that my wife was putting out but unfortunately this is not a sci-fi story and as a male I was about as clueless as Alicia Silverstone in the critically acclaimed movie "Clueless" which in turn means this is going to bite me in the butt. So fast forward a little bit and we are now in the car heading towards Gulf Breeze to spend some time with friends and have fun at the beach, not sure how many of you out there reading have multiples but I am sure that even having one kids in the car screaming you would have an inkling of what it is like to have 3 screaming while one giggles, needless to say it was a very long ride.

        This now brings us to our second to last destination. We decide to stop by at the splash pool and let the girls get acclimated to the water and all the people since this really is the first time they have been around something to this magnitude and I personally was a nervous wreck because all I was thinking about was the girls running off into the deep end and how am I supposed to jump into lifesaver mode without my short red shorts and my whistle! Regardless we splash around with the girls who are just loving the pool!

 Aurora and Ryleigh

Bristol and Arianna

        This is where everything begins to go downhill because at this point I come up with what will probably go down as one of the worst ideas I ever had and let me give it to you now verbatim, "We should go down to the beach and I mean they can't drown playing in the sand like they can in the pool". So we gather all the kids up and begin moving down to the beach itself, we knowingly make this call already aware that the girls are missing their nap and have not eaten lunch yet (for those of you who know the girls you know they love their food!). So we reach out final destination which just so happens to be the shore of the Gulf of Mexico and boy does it look dirty because of the storms and boy did those storms bring some sharp shells up onto the beach... 

       Have any of my readers ever taken a one year old to the beach? If so I would really like to know how they accomplished this task because as soon as we put the girls down something in their brains triggered and in this moment they believed that the sand beneath their feet was edible and that they wanted to eat as much of it as humanly possible! Literally for the next 30-45 minutes we do nothing but chase kids, dig sand of out their mouths, their hair, their clothes, their diapers. Stop them from beating their sisters with shovels and buckets. It was a very uncontrolled chaotic moment and let me just remind everyone this was suppose to be a day of rest and relaxation for mommy yet somehow I turned this into one of their most stress filled events of the year outside of their birth and bringing them home for the first time!

        So we could literally only take about an hour of all this so we gathered them all back up and decided we would just take everyone home, sandy and all which just added to the mix of everything. We now had four little girls who were VERY tired, VERY hungry and VERY not happy with their daddy who just put them through this whole ordeal. As a father of multiples I learned a very valuable lesson this day and that was above all else when it is Mother's Day plan something special and very relaxing for mom and just let hell break loose for daddy at home with the girls. I also learned that taking four little girls to the beach for the first time requires a lot more planning than what I had. I also think if you are going to take your kids to the beach choose a better beach, Gulf Breeze if gross! Destin is so much nicer and the water is blue with white sands, it's also only 35 minutes away compared to an hour for Gulf Breeze.

        I really do hope everyone had a great Mother's Day and that all your plans went accordingly. I know I am going to have to make up for this one for years to come but I will steadily work at it until everything is good again and I will make sure that next years Mother's Day is a huge success!

Hope you enjoyed the post and I will really try and make sure to keep my post going on a more constant basis. Though if you did enjoy the read please like, share, follow and spread the word! 

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