Saturday, May 10, 2014

Sick Babies....

So it's been a couple days but trust me those couple of days were not taken lightly and if I could have had a free moment to write I would have.

Let's bring everyone up to speed shall we. As most of you know we left Alabama on Sunday afternoon and that trip went far smoother than the initial trip. Took us exactly 6 hours to make the journey and that's stopping at a rest stop to feed and change the girls plus us running through a drive through to eat as well so all in all great time!

Once we got home is when everything went south! The girls ended up coming down with Thrush which sucks, I'm not going to lie and on top of that we flipped their whole environment again. Getting them readjusted to life at home is a pretty rough task in itself, it's almost like reconditioning an animal that has been beaten for years. Screaming, I can't express enough of how emotionally painful it is to hear all 4 of your babies screaming at the top of their lungs and know you can't help them all at once because they jus want to be held and as humans we don't come equipped with 2 sets of arms :-(

All that previous paragraph means is that I got no sleep between Saturday night through Monday night and Heather got maybe an hour or 2 sporadically during that same time span... It was bad... very very bad... Good news though we ended up taking the girls to the doctor yesterday and got something for their mouths which seems like it may be working, we at least got some sleep last night which is a win in my book!

So now we are simply trying to get the girls back into the habit of self soothing like they did when we first brought them home. It's hard just getting them to know their is only 1 mommy and 1 daddy to all 4 of them so they need to learn to wait their turn lol.

It's all good though, one day at a time and I think everything will work out just fine, we love them and they love us and we will all make it through this rough patch!

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