Saturday, May 10, 2014

Piggy Paint.... Beauty Parlor.... Pretty Toes....

Piggy Paint, the first time I had ever heard of this was when we had just found out Heather was having girls. She had mentioned one night while we sat on the couch watching some random TV show then showed it to me while we walked through WalMart one day. At that time I honestly didn't pay it much attention mainly because I'm daddy and painting toes is not in my job description and secondly did my really tiny girls really need really tiny painted toes? Well turns out the answer to that question was a resounding yes since last night Heather came home from the store with this so called Piggy Paint. My first reaction was look how tiny that bottle is! Then look how tiny that brush is!

See that photo! Blew my mind! 

So now that we have all the ingredients for disaster which includes; babies, and paint we decided to give the girls a bath first and let the painting party begin!

As I finished drying and dressing Arianna, Heather had already grabbed up Aurora I had to stop her because I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything and I really wanted some photos. So what you will see next will be a before, during and after photo showcasing this event!




I have to admit though after seeing their tiny toes painted i got a little giddy, they are super cute and I really couldn't believe you could paint something so small and not make a mess, I mean I have tried painting a grownups toes and let me tell you if it was like a game of operation you would have heard nothing but the alarm going off. (Don't believe me ask Heather, I am not even allowed to attempt to paint them now).

All in all I am very pleased with the outcome and it further impacts in my mind that I have 4 little girls that may or may not want this done more often then not so it seems I may have to start practicing so I don't make a complete full out of myself in the future. Will probably wind up being a future post showing my attempts at painting toes, though once I get that down I should move on to doing girls hair because at this moment they will get styles from me, nappy or ponytail.

**I wanted to add a link to Piggy Paint for any of those moms or dads that wanted to give it a look if they had not heard about it yet, it's 100% safe which is a bonus for me. Like their slogan "As natural as mud" really does hold true.

Daddy Day Care Tip #5 As a father don't be afraid of jumping into new things and giving them a try. I know Piggy Paint is not camouflage or black eye paint but you shouldn't hold that against them. It's an exciting thing and I would hate for any father to miss out on even the smallest moment with their babies simply because "painting nails" is not a guy thing. I can promise you from one dad to another that before it's all said and done I will be the best nail painter, make-up applier, hair doer in the whole world if it gives me even 10 more minutes with each one of my angels!

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