Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Evil Pediatrician!

Yesterday marked one of the bigger milestones in our babies life, it was their first real doctors appointment. Their 2 month checkup to be exact. So please sit back and grab a snack while I share with you what was The Greene Quads first doctors visit.

As one would expect from parents of quads it's 12:30 and we need to be at the doctor by 1:00 so both of us are trying to finish up feeding babies, dress babies and put babies in car seats without the adding benefits of spitting up. Then the real fun starts when you watch me try and fit all the carseats into the van.... Needless to say if I thought of gaining 5 pounds there is noway 2 of our children will be able to go in the back. Well all I can say to that was mission accomplished! We were able to make it there with plenty of time to spare.

Once we got to the doctors things got kinda weird since this was also the very first time we have taken all 4 babies out in public, which let me tell you turns into a small circus attraction which at first really got under my skin but eventually wore off though the questions started coming and it seems to be the same questions over and over again...

Are they identical? No they are not identical...

What fertility drugs did you use? None, I know it's hard to believe but 4 babies can come natural.

Are they boys? Are you serious, did the all pink carseat covers not give it away.

So it was just a parade of random people wanting to come over and see the girls, ask questions, bless us and offer their support and wishes. Even one lady saying she would love to be their godmother.... who even says that in a doctors office....

After that we finally got to go in and see the doctor. Our first stop was vitals.
Aurora - 6 pounds 4 ounces, vitals great.
Bristol - 5 pounds 15 ounces, vitals great
Ryleigh - 5 pounds 14 ounces, vitals great
Arianna - 5 pounds 11 ounces, vitals great

It was great news to find out that the girls are not in the 50% nationally for their weight which is awesome since they have been staying in the 10% while they were in the NICU.

So after vitals we got to see the doctor which was relatively painless and quick, we were told they are strong for their age and that they are doing great, which for us is great news! The next person for us to see was not the bearer of good news, it was the immunizations lady which for the girls... and mommy was not a good thing. The shots themselves were nothing out of the ordinary, they cried and screamed but it lasted just a few seconds after they were done with the shots. The fun started when we got home...

The girls had a long day so we expected nothing different when we got them home and they were very fussy and not interested in eating. We did everything we could to ease them through the night and I am happy to announce that when I fed them this morning they all appeared to be back to normal. They ate very well and were pretty joyful and playful while they were eating. So I know for myself this was a new experience but atleast I now know what to expect when doctor days come around.

Daddy Day Care Tip #2 Make sure that you are prepared for the aftermath of the visit. Your baby may be fussy, run a low grade fever, and have knots at the injection site. These things are all normal and should not be a cause for concern, simply comfort them and let them recover in their own way. Work with them, even though it may be time for them to eat don't get frustrated if they are not overly hungry give them a little and if they start fighting you try again a little later. Try not to use medical intervention if you can avoid it. If it's needed please consult your physician first to make sure they agree and can inform you of the best course of action.

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