Saturday, May 10, 2014

Better Late Than Never....

First off let me say it feels like forever since I have posted anything and to those who do follow me and keep up with everything I am sorry it has been so long but it has been a CRAZY 7 days since we returned home from Alabama. So let me give everyone a quick recap over these this last week.

* The last few days in Alabama the girls ended up coming down with Thrush which ended up being a bigger pain then I had originally anticipated but we got home, got some medicine and the girls are doing far better now.

* After a little over 3 months we have finally finished moving into our home... It has been a long and arduous journey but it has finally happened and with Heather finished the girls nursery which I must say looks amazing!

The girls nursery
The girls nursery

* Heather and I decided it was time for a change in our home and have cleaned up our eating habits. There is no more fast food e.g. McDonalds, Hardees, Burger King. Certain higher end restaurants are still acceptable to some degree. With this change in our home we have cut out canned vegetables and fruits as well as most boxed products if it last longer than a week without being frozen e.g. meats we have gotten rid of it which has opened our minds up to expand more with meals.

Unfortunately there hasn't been anything so significant happenings that have made me jump on here so I think I might end up making a post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It seems like a god schedule and will hopefully give me some more meat for these posts. I would love to start posting "vlogs" up here for you guys but I will have to wait a minute since Wordpress requires me to pay $99 dollars to upgrade to premium before I can do that so just know that this is planned for a future update to my work.

As usual please enter your email on the right side of the window to follow me if you have not already done so. If you are currently following me please share this anywhere you can, heck call and text your friends and tell them how to find me so that they can follow as well!

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