Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Daddy and The Monsters Visit the Doctor!

So today has been the day I have waited for since the girls were just born! What could that possibly be you ask? Well if you buckle up, keep your trays in an upright position and hands and feet inside the plane I will tell you all!

        Waking up this morning I just knew it was going to be an adventure, my alarm started going off at 5:15 as with everyday I reached over and hit the snooze button because I honestly want to get up at 5:25 but if I set it for that then I would still probably hit snooze and it would just be a never ending loop of me hitting snooze, but regardless I am already steering off course lol, so as I had mentioned I hit the snooze button and the next time my alarm went off I rolled right out of bed just ready to take on the world! Stumbled through the house which if you have small children I wonder if you feel that your home becomes a minefield in the early hours, I spend so much time navigating around the toys that make noise, the toys that roll around, the toys that sing songs and of course the toys that cause mind numbing pain when you step on them at 5:30 in the morning. So after I safely make it into the kitchen and begin prepping the early bottles, which the last few mornings means dropping everything I touch, almost dumping the milk, it seems that my hands move way faster than my mind at this time but I always prevail in the end.

        So bottles done, TV on and set up like it is every morning, though you will be glad to know that I have switched my television viewing over from HSN, QVC and everything else that wants to sell me something to "My Name is Earl" followed by "Married with Children". It seems that these two shows have a way of keeping the girls focused on their bottle and less on TV which makes things flow so much smoother in the mornings, HUGE improvement over "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" which caused nobody to eat and Daddy to lose his mind! Girls are eating like champs and within minutes I have them laying back down but it's hard for me to because I am just so excited about today so I head back into the kitchen to make me some oatmeal, eggs and kill some time before Heather wakes up and realizes I am not in bed, I have always been a morning person though, as soon as I open my eyes my body kicks into overdrive and I can't seem to slow it down until the sun sets. SO let us fast forward past all the boring details, you all just want to hear about the girls!

        Girls are up, fed and just finished dressing them. I will be taking Aurora and Bristol first with me to the doctor, their appointment is at 10:00 so it should be a quick in and out since I am only bringing two of them instead of the usual four. Look how cute this monsters are in their strollers!



        So we get there with plenty of time to spare, it's just now 9:45 so I sit down and begin playing with the girls, had to take a quick time out so I can fill out some Lead Poisoning paperwork, which started me thinking about some parents and what they allow because who in their right mind would allow their kids to eat loose soil next to major roadways, or teeth on old metal pipes.... who comes up with these questions... So the time keeps ticking their appointment was set for 10:00 and yet it is now 10:45 and still we wait. A few minutes pass and we finally get called back, we go see the nurse do all the measurements and initial screening before seeing the doctor. Was pretty happy to know that everything was good with them and that they are as fit as a fiddle, though they would be getting 3 shots each... I know that soon I will have 4 girls who will not be happy.

        Girls have been given their shots and were such big girls! They whimpered for just a minute or two after their shots and we were on our way out the door. Both of them were knocked out before even getting out of the parking lot, thought it was awfully weird that there were no little sounds coming from the back. We hurried home though because it was already noon and I had to leave at one with Ryleigh and Arianna, plus I really needed to go pee and super hungry so I didn't think I could possibly get home any quicker. Quick call had Heather waiting for me outside to help bring in the two sleeping monsters and make the quick Nascar change over, ate a bowl of Jambalaya, took a bathroom break and started getting the next two fed and dressed. Took a matter of 45 minutes and we were back on the road!



        This appointment seemed to go so much quicker but when it was all said and done it took 2 hours just like the first one did... I learned a few things today though that I would not have thought in the beginning... 

Number 1 - Taking four kids to the doctors at once is an adventure in itself but at least you do it all at once, you're in you're out in about 2 hours. Trying to be clever and act like you are going to save time by splitting up the appointments simply means your are going to spend ALL DAY at the doctors. By the time I got back home with Ryleigh and Ari I had pretty much been gone from 9:30 through 3:30 and I never would have thought that.

Number 2 - When you take kids anywhere make sure you have enough things to keep them occupied, by the time I was done they had went through almost an entire thing of yogurt drops, a thing of puffs and I am sure they took a few bites out of my phone...

Number 3 - This is more or less with parents of multiples but I am curious when the time comes that everyone just knows who you are, do I need to draft a nice little pamphlet that explains how the girls came to be and just pass them out to people. Come  on we have been going to the same doctor for a year now and I am still answering the same old questions that I have already answered before.

        All in all I was very pleased with today and I honestly surprised myself. Even though I was only taking two at a time I was doing it alone, I wanted to really test myself to see if I could do it and I did, with flying colors if I must say so myself. I am just now curious as to how I could try taking all four of them out by myself one day... But that my friends would be the equivalent of "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure"! Before I take off I wanted to share one last photo of Rori which pretty much sums up how all four of my girls feel tonight and when you take a look at this photo if you can just try and imagine what she could possibly be thinking...


Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Girls and The Beach!

So this post will be roughly a week old but things have been so crazy over the last week that I was unable to truly sit down and put all my words down into one coherent sentence let alone an entire post. So without further waiting let's take a trip in my magical storytelling time machine and let me tell you the tale of four little princesses and their first trip to the land of endless water and gritty sand!

        It was a gorgeous Sunday morning, I do believe it was that magical day that all the Mothers in the world are celebrated as being one of the toughest and least respected jobs there is (we as a whole really need to start doing this on a constant basis and not just showing our gratitude one day a year...), regardless I awoke this morning to cook my amazing wife breakfast and begin to put in motion what I thought would be an incredible day (more on this later). So Heather wakes up and I present her a gorgeous plate with what could be described as the "Worlds Greatest Omelet" as well as the cards from the girls and I as well as the girl's present. Mine unfortunately was stuck in the infinite loop that is Kay's Jewelers... which I might add is still stuck in this loop.

        After presents were given and cards were read Heather got up and began getting ready for our trip which at this time I REALLY wish men came with the ability to read minds because I might have been able to pick up on the vibes that my wife was putting out but unfortunately this is not a sci-fi story and as a male I was about as clueless as Alicia Silverstone in the critically acclaimed movie "Clueless" which in turn means this is going to bite me in the butt. So fast forward a little bit and we are now in the car heading towards Gulf Breeze to spend some time with friends and have fun at the beach, not sure how many of you out there reading have multiples but I am sure that even having one kids in the car screaming you would have an inkling of what it is like to have 3 screaming while one giggles, needless to say it was a very long ride.

        This now brings us to our second to last destination. We decide to stop by at the splash pool and let the girls get acclimated to the water and all the people since this really is the first time they have been around something to this magnitude and I personally was a nervous wreck because all I was thinking about was the girls running off into the deep end and how am I supposed to jump into lifesaver mode without my short red shorts and my whistle! Regardless we splash around with the girls who are just loving the pool!

 Aurora and Ryleigh

Bristol and Arianna

        This is where everything begins to go downhill because at this point I come up with what will probably go down as one of the worst ideas I ever had and let me give it to you now verbatim, "We should go down to the beach and I mean they can't drown playing in the sand like they can in the pool". So we gather all the kids up and begin moving down to the beach itself, we knowingly make this call already aware that the girls are missing their nap and have not eaten lunch yet (for those of you who know the girls you know they love their food!). So we reach out final destination which just so happens to be the shore of the Gulf of Mexico and boy does it look dirty because of the storms and boy did those storms bring some sharp shells up onto the beach... 

       Have any of my readers ever taken a one year old to the beach? If so I would really like to know how they accomplished this task because as soon as we put the girls down something in their brains triggered and in this moment they believed that the sand beneath their feet was edible and that they wanted to eat as much of it as humanly possible! Literally for the next 30-45 minutes we do nothing but chase kids, dig sand of out their mouths, their hair, their clothes, their diapers. Stop them from beating their sisters with shovels and buckets. It was a very uncontrolled chaotic moment and let me just remind everyone this was suppose to be a day of rest and relaxation for mommy yet somehow I turned this into one of their most stress filled events of the year outside of their birth and bringing them home for the first time!

        So we could literally only take about an hour of all this so we gathered them all back up and decided we would just take everyone home, sandy and all which just added to the mix of everything. We now had four little girls who were VERY tired, VERY hungry and VERY not happy with their daddy who just put them through this whole ordeal. As a father of multiples I learned a very valuable lesson this day and that was above all else when it is Mother's Day plan something special and very relaxing for mom and just let hell break loose for daddy at home with the girls. I also learned that taking four little girls to the beach for the first time requires a lot more planning than what I had. I also think if you are going to take your kids to the beach choose a better beach, Gulf Breeze if gross! Destin is so much nicer and the water is blue with white sands, it's also only 35 minutes away compared to an hour for Gulf Breeze.

        I really do hope everyone had a great Mother's Day and that all your plans went accordingly. I know I am going to have to make up for this one for years to come but I will steadily work at it until everything is good again and I will make sure that next years Mother's Day is a huge success!

Hope you enjoyed the post and I will really try and make sure to keep my post going on a more constant basis. Though if you did enjoy the read please like, share, follow and spread the word! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

I just wanted to hop on here and wish every mother out there the greatest day ever! You all really deserve it and I really don't think there is a tougher or more rewarding job than that of being a mother!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Rekindle The Fire!

So it has been 2 months shy of a year since I have last posted about the girls and let me tell you that is has been one heck of a year! I have so much to share with everyone and so many pictures to post!

It will take me a couple of weeks but once I get into the flow of things it shouldn't be that bad. Just want to apologize for taking such a long hiatus but that first year of a child's life is very important and with so many moving parts in our lives and theirs I just couldn't get the time to type away.

Better Late Than Never....

First off let me say it feels like forever since I have posted anything and to those who do follow me and keep up with everything I am sorry it has been so long but it has been a CRAZY 7 days since we returned home from Alabama. So let me give everyone a quick recap over these this last week.

* The last few days in Alabama the girls ended up coming down with Thrush which ended up being a bigger pain then I had originally anticipated but we got home, got some medicine and the girls are doing far better now.

* After a little over 3 months we have finally finished moving into our home... It has been a long and arduous journey but it has finally happened and with Heather finished the girls nursery which I must say looks amazing!

The girls nursery
The girls nursery

* Heather and I decided it was time for a change in our home and have cleaned up our eating habits. There is no more fast food e.g. McDonalds, Hardees, Burger King. Certain higher end restaurants are still acceptable to some degree. With this change in our home we have cut out canned vegetables and fruits as well as most boxed products if it last longer than a week without being frozen e.g. meats we have gotten rid of it which has opened our minds up to expand more with meals.

Unfortunately there hasn't been anything so significant happenings that have made me jump on here so I think I might end up making a post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It seems like a god schedule and will hopefully give me some more meat for these posts. I would love to start posting "vlogs" up here for you guys but I will have to wait a minute since Wordpress requires me to pay $99 dollars to upgrade to premium before I can do that so just know that this is planned for a future update to my work.

As usual please enter your email on the right side of the window to follow me if you have not already done so. If you are currently following me please share this anywhere you can, heck call and text your friends and tell them how to find me so that they can follow as well!

Sick Babies....

So it's been a couple days but trust me those couple of days were not taken lightly and if I could have had a free moment to write I would have.

Let's bring everyone up to speed shall we. As most of you know we left Alabama on Sunday afternoon and that trip went far smoother than the initial trip. Took us exactly 6 hours to make the journey and that's stopping at a rest stop to feed and change the girls plus us running through a drive through to eat as well so all in all great time!

Once we got home is when everything went south! The girls ended up coming down with Thrush which sucks, I'm not going to lie and on top of that we flipped their whole environment again. Getting them readjusted to life at home is a pretty rough task in itself, it's almost like reconditioning an animal that has been beaten for years. Screaming, I can't express enough of how emotionally painful it is to hear all 4 of your babies screaming at the top of their lungs and know you can't help them all at once because they jus want to be held and as humans we don't come equipped with 2 sets of arms :-(

All that previous paragraph means is that I got no sleep between Saturday night through Monday night and Heather got maybe an hour or 2 sporadically during that same time span... It was bad... very very bad... Good news though we ended up taking the girls to the doctor yesterday and got something for their mouths which seems like it may be working, we at least got some sleep last night which is a win in my book!

So now we are simply trying to get the girls back into the habit of self soothing like they did when we first brought them home. It's hard just getting them to know their is only 1 mommy and 1 daddy to all 4 of them so they need to learn to wait their turn lol.

It's all good though, one day at a time and I think everything will work out just fine, we love them and they love us and we will all make it through this rough patch!

ROAD TRIP Part Deuce!!

So that time is upon us again...

The Greene Family will once again embark on a perilous journey back to their homeland! Their adventure will be packed full or excitement, despair, tragedy, evil weather, and sick babies! Only thing missing will be claymation skeletons and medusa!

I really hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend and are ready to kick it back into the work week!
As always I thank everyone of you who take the time to read my stories. Hopefully you comment and click all the share buttons below and harass all your friends to follow and share my blog as well!!

Expanding Your Child's Mind

It's another glorious July morning and let me tell you the weather couldn't be any better either could the babies.
So this morning I decided to write about babies and their brains, or minds. Reason I decided to bring this up because Heather and I over the last 3 months have always been questioned on why we read or sing to our girls? People always want to wonder why we bother, they are to young to understand... I usually give them a dumbfounded look if we are in person and if I read the comment online I usually use some explicit words to describe the person and their intellectual well being.

So to answer everyone's question on why we do it, both of us have always been lovers of literature and this is something that we wish to impart on our children as well. Not only this but it is proven that reading and singing to babies even inside the womb will begin engaging their minds, I have taken the liberty to add some content from two separate sites as well as the links.
Babies don't so much read books as explore them. It's not about the words, the story, or the sound of your voice. It's not about the pictures. It's not about the physical book itself. It's actually about all of the above, combined. Babies use all their senses to take in a book. Your job is to keep your mind open to the possibilities — a book can be just as satisfying as reading it — and have fun. It can take a lot of patience to get through even a short picture book with a baby, but you'll be rewarded with a child who's received an excellent start to literacy — and life. Here are some dos and don'ts for you and your budding reader:

Expand your child's "library." Very little babies have no real idea what you're reading, so why not read aloud to her from whatever you're reading, like a novel or a magazine? That way you both get to hear terrific stories together.
Expose her to art. Show your baby pictures from the family photo album or a coffee table art book — just be careful she doesn't grab precious pages! Babies enjoy looking at images and respond well to simple, high-contrast pictures.

Get tactile. Touch-and-feel books, like the classic Pat the Bunny, are great sensory as well as literary tools. Guide your baby's hand over various textures while you read.

Follow your baby's lead. Some babies like to open and close books, hand them back to you, or stack them like blocks. That counts as "reading" too. The more you use books for fun, the more likely she'll see that they are an enjoyable part of her daily life.

Keep books handy. Stow board books in your stroller, diaper bag, car, near the highchair, at the changing table, or even in the bathtub (there are some wonderful waterproof bath books). You'll always have a book ready to distract and entertain.

Read enthusiastically. Use silly voices, make animal sounds, and read with drama.

Hand your baby a book. When your baby's reached the "grabbing" stage, he's likely to take the book out of your hands. Let him; just have a couple books on hand so you can switch back and forth and read them all at once.
Be prepared to repeat, and repeat, and repeat. Babies often get stuck on a particular favorite, and will zoom right to that book on the shelf even if you offer others. Repetition and familiarity are soothing to babies and toddlers. Let her have her way — she'll pick a new favorite soon enough.

Point to pictures. For your pre-literate baby, illustrations are just as important (sometimes more so) than words. Don't feel you have to read every page every time, but do point at the pictures ("Look at the green car!" "Where's the moon?") as you flip pages.

Join the public library. It's a great way to expand your reading repertoire. You can join story-time groups and classes and meet other families.

Take it personally when baby rejects reading. Your infant may have seemed relaxed and ready to settle in to "read" with you, but after one page he starts squalling. Just put the book aside; he'll have a better moment again soon.
Stop your baby from mouthing books. This is one of the ways your baby explores books; it's part of how she learns about everything in her world.

Be surprised when your toddler crawls away. Two things to remember about a toddler: he is more interested in moving than sitting still, and he can still hear you. Keep reading — he'll come back (and if not, you can try again later).

Get mad at ripped pages. Has she ripped off a dinosaur's head? Don't get upset with her. Babies are stronger than most books! Plenty of baby-friendly board books are made just for the purpose of being gnawed and chewed. Just refrain from giving children under 2 pop-up books and from reading "good" books that you'd like to save for when she's older. Toddlers may be interested in helping you fix torn books. Keep some tape handy for repairs.

Think you have to finish every book you start. For your baby or toddler, the process is more important than the outcome. You may not have reached the end of the book, but you did share some nice reading time together.
Give away baby books prematurely. Even when he grows into the next stage, he may like to revisit her old, gummed, and torn favorites.

Read at the same pace all the time. Speed up or slow down, depending on your baby's interest.
Underestimate your baby. You may not be able to see it right away, but your baby is profiting sensually, intellectually, and socially thanks to your reading.
Why Read to My Baby?
You may wonder about the benefits of reading to your baby. An infant won't understand everything you're doing or why. But you wouldn't wait until your child could understand what you were saying before you started speaking to him or her, right? Nor would you bypass lullabies until your baby could carry a tune or wait until he or she could shake a rattle before you offered any toys.

Reading aloud to your baby is a wonderful shared activity you can continue for years to come — and it's an important form of stimulation.

Reading aloud:
teaches a baby about communication
introduces concepts such as numbers, letters, colors, and shapes in a fun way
builds listening, memory, and vocabulary skills
gives babies information about the world around them
Believe it or not, by the time babies reach their first birthday they will have learned all the sounds needed to speak their native language. The more stories you read aloud, the more words your child will be exposed to and the better he or she will be able to talk.

Hearing words helps to build a rich network of words in a baby's brain. Kids whose parents frequently talk/read to them know more words by age 2 than children who have not been read to. And kids who are read to during their early years are more likely to learn to read at the right time.

When you read, your child hears you using many different emotions and expressive sounds, which fosters social and emotional development. Reading also invites your baby to look, point, touch, and answer questions — all of which promote social development and thinking skills. And your baby improves language skills by imitating sounds, recognizing pictures, and learning words.

But perhaps the most important reason to read aloud is that it makes a connection between the things your baby loves the most — your voice and closeness to you — and books. Spending time reading to your baby shows that reading is a skill worth learning. And, if infants and children are read to often with joy, excitement, and closeness, they begin to associate books with happiness — and budding readers are created.
Different Ages, Different Stages

Young babies may not know what the pictures in a book mean, but they can focus on them, especially faces, bright colors, and contrasting patterns. When you read or sing lullabies and nursery rhymes, you can entertain and soothe your infant.

Between 4 and 6 months, your baby may begin to show more interest in books. He or she will grab and hold books, but will mouth, chew, and drop them as well. Choose sturdy vinyl or cloth books with bright colors and repetitive or rhyming text.

Between 6 and 12 months, your child is beginning to understand that pictures represent objects, and most likely will develop preferences for certain pictures, pages, or even entire stories. Your baby will respond while you read, grabbing for the book and making sounds, and by 12 months will turn pages (with some help from you), pat or start to point to objects on a page, and repeat your sounds.

When and How to Read
Here's a great thing about reading aloud: It doesn't take special skills or equipment, just you, your baby, and some books. Read aloud for a few minutes at a time, but do it often. Don't worry about finishing entire books — focus on pages that you and your baby enjoy.

Try to set aside time to read every day — perhaps before naptime and bedtime. In addition to the pleasure that cuddling your baby before bed gives both of you, you'll also be making life easier by establishing a routine. This will help to calm your baby and set expectations about when it's time to sleep.

It's also good to read at other points in the day. Choose times when your baby is dry, fed, and alert. Books also come in handy when you're stuck waiting, so have some in the diaper bag to fill time sitting at the doctor's office or standing in line at the grocery store.

Here are some additional reading tips:
Cuddling while you read helps your baby feel safe, warm, and connected to you.
Read with expression, pitching your voice higher or lower where it's appropriate or using different voices for different characters.

Don't worry about following the text exactly. Stop once in a while and ask questions or make comments on the pictures or text. ("Where's the kitty? There he is! What a cute black kitty.") Your child might not be able to respond yet, but this lays the groundwork for doing so later on.

Sing nursery rhymes, make funny animal sounds, or bounce your baby on your knee — anything that shows that reading is fun.

Babies love — and learn from — repetition, so don't be afraid of reading the same books over and over. When you do so, repeat the same emphasis each time as you would with a familiar song.

As your baby gets older, encourage him or her to touch the book or hold sturdier vinyl, cloth, or board books. You don't want to encourage chewing on books, but by putting them in his or her mouth, your baby is learning about them, finding out how books feel and taste — and discovering that they're not edible!

What to Read
Books for babies should have simple, repetitive text and clear pictures. During the first few months of life, your child just likes to hear your voice, so you can read almost anything, especially books with a sing-song or rhyming text. As your baby gets more interested in looking at things, choose books with simple pictures against solid backgrounds.

Once your baby begins to grab, you can read vinyl or cloth books that have faces, bright colors, and shapes. When your baby begins to respond to what's inside of books, add board books with pictures of babies or familiar objects like toys. When your child begins to do things like sit up in the bathtub or eat finger foods, find simple stories about daily routines like bedtime or bathtime. When your child starts talking, choose books that invite babies to repeat simple words or phrases.

Books with mirrors and different textures (crinkly, soft, scratchy) are also great for this age group, as are fold-out books that can be propped up, or books with flaps that open for a surprise. Board books make page turning easier for infants and vinyl or cloth books can go everywhere — even the tub. Babies of any age like photo albums with pictures of people they know and love. And every baby should have a collection of nursery rhymes!

One of the best ways you can ensure that your little one grows up to be a reader is to have books around your house. When your baby is old enough to crawl over to a basket of toys and pick one out, make sure some books are included in the mix.

In addition to the books you own, take advantage of those you can borrow from the library. Many libraries have storytime just for babies, too. Don't forget to pick up a book for yourself while you're there. Reading for pleasure is another way you can be your baby's reading role model.
So there you have it and I believe that most people will now understand why we read to our babies, and why we will continue to read to them until they can start reading back to us. I wanted to finish my little post with a few pictures of us and their girls. Also if you can please like, share, and follow my blog.
Daddy reading to Bristol
Mommy reading to Aurora
Daddy reading to Aurora

Aliens... BBQ... Family...

What other day could possible take all three of those words and bring them together? That's right! You guessed it! It's Independence Day, Happy 4th of July everyone!

Just thought I would go ahead and post early this morning because not only is it pouring here but I predict that the remainder of this day will be filled with food and showing everyone our babies who may have not seen them over the last couple of days.

I sat here this morning trying to stay awake so I could feed the girls (Just so you know I failed miserably at this task :-( ) wondering what could I possibly write about and it dawned on me that since so many people get brought together on this day why don't I talk about family. Truth be told I have not been the best role model when it comes to a model family, I have made many mistakes growing up as they did and it has created a very fractured foundation which really holds on by just a thread.

Heather on the other hand at least in my eyes is a perfect example of a strong family foundation, it has it's flaws here and there but show me one that doesn't lol. Which why I am on this let me show you a quick picture showing 4 generations of here family with these baby girls.


Here you have great grandmother, grandmother, mother and all 4 baby girls. It's these moments in life that for some they never get to experience yet fighting all the odds of even making it here for this vacation we got to bring them all together which for me was an amazing experience!

I hearken back to my younger days when the word "family" was a fleeting one with me, wasn't said much and I really didn't put much behind it, Heather was the one person that really put things to light for me and showed me that family is something that is actually needed. I am really coming around to the idea which is awesome though sometimes I still feel like family is almost like car insurance. It's better to have it and not need it, Then need it and not have it. Because god only knows when something so traumatic happens that you just need help and no matter what family will always be there over friends.

So on this glorious day, and I really hope that when you read this it's nice and sunny and not pouring like it is here but I really hope you have a glorious day. Just grab someone and tell them how grateful you are to know them, hug and kiss every person of your family you run into. Just make today full of as much love as humanly possible.

Daddy Day Care Tip #7 Family, family, family. I can't really stress it enough. This is something that I feel should be instilled in your kids as much as possible. No matter how big or small, whole or fractured I think it needs to be worked on. Kids should be able to look in any direction and see a familiar face and a helping hand. So my real tip would be just get to know your family so your children can get to know their family.


It's one of those mornings where you dive into complete darkness and attempt to make no noise in fear of disturbing one of your babies...



So it's been a couple days since I have posted something but I was really just waiting on something to post about and ladies and gentleman do I have a quick story for you which I will describe via a timeline showcasing our crazy adventure last night! Hopefully this post doesn't go on for too long but it is worth a read.

8:00 AM - I leave for work, knowing this will be a short day I have a smile on my face and prance like Snow White gathering animals to clean the house.

10:30 AM - Decided to leave work, nothing going on and I really didn't feel like wasting valuable time.

11:30 AM - I make it home, Heather is still getting everything together for our trip to Alabama, I take over feeding the girls while she gets dressed and finished up packing.

3:00 PM - We both tag team feeding the girls, everything is packed and ready to go, all that is left is to feed them, put them in their car seats and hit the road!

4:16 PM - Girls are loaded, vehicle is packed. Let the road trip begin!



7:00 PM - We decide to pull over and feed the girls at the Love's Truck Stop at Exit 208 in Alabama, if anything causes us trouble it will be feeding the girls in the van, outside.

8:00 PM - Everything went perfect! Who would have thought that the girls would have sat quietly in the van for 3 hours without pitching any fits then all 4 of them take their whole bottle without much issue. This trip couldn't be any easier or perfect (This proved to be a huge jinx).

8:30 PM - Every single light in the van comes on, we think maybe a door could be ajar or something, I decide to pull off in Warrior, AL to check the doors.

8:45 PM - I pull into the Shell station and cut the vehicle off, open every door and close them back up, hope in the van and go to start it *click* *click* *click*... I look at Heather and tell her this is not going to be good.

9:00 PM - I just opened the hood up and saw smoke and smelled something burning, I have deduced that our starter just decided to give up on us, doom and despair wash over me as I now realize I have stranded my family in BFE with nothing.

9:15 PM - I come to realization that GEICO is absolutely useless, decide when I get home to switch back to USAA when I return home.

9:30 PM - We meet a group of "country boys" who have an idea. Their idea sets the engine on fire...

10:30 PM - Father-In Law to the rescue, He just left to come grab us up from BFE.

12:00 AM - All the babies are once again fed and now loaded up in the new vehicle, we transfer all of our stuff and once again begin the journey.

1:30 AM - We have finally reached our destination. I bring everything into the house and literally pass out on the bed.

The trip has finally come to it's end. What use to be a 5 hour trip for Heather and I, and what should have been a 7 hour trip for us this time ended up being a 9 hour trip... I am just glad it's over for now. My next adventure will be heading back out to the van and replace the starter tonight.

If there is anything else that I learned from this was that I know without a doubt I have a very resilient woman in the entire world. She literally handled the situation last night better than I could have ever imagined.

Daddy Day Care Tip #6 Make sure before going on a trip with 10 week old quadruplets, or really any babies at all make sure you double and triple check everything! Even things you wouldn't think to check make sure to check them. I know that now because of this I will probably take 5 hours pre-planning on every trip we ever take from here on out.

Piggy Paint.... Beauty Parlor.... Pretty Toes....

Piggy Paint, the first time I had ever heard of this was when we had just found out Heather was having girls. She had mentioned one night while we sat on the couch watching some random TV show then showed it to me while we walked through WalMart one day. At that time I honestly didn't pay it much attention mainly because I'm daddy and painting toes is not in my job description and secondly did my really tiny girls really need really tiny painted toes? Well turns out the answer to that question was a resounding yes since last night Heather came home from the store with this so called Piggy Paint. My first reaction was look how tiny that bottle is! Then look how tiny that brush is!

See that photo! Blew my mind! 

So now that we have all the ingredients for disaster which includes; babies, and paint we decided to give the girls a bath first and let the painting party begin!

As I finished drying and dressing Arianna, Heather had already grabbed up Aurora I had to stop her because I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything and I really wanted some photos. So what you will see next will be a before, during and after photo showcasing this event!




I have to admit though after seeing their tiny toes painted i got a little giddy, they are super cute and I really couldn't believe you could paint something so small and not make a mess, I mean I have tried painting a grownups toes and let me tell you if it was like a game of operation you would have heard nothing but the alarm going off. (Don't believe me ask Heather, I am not even allowed to attempt to paint them now).

All in all I am very pleased with the outcome and it further impacts in my mind that I have 4 little girls that may or may not want this done more often then not so it seems I may have to start practicing so I don't make a complete full out of myself in the future. Will probably wind up being a future post showing my attempts at painting toes, though once I get that down I should move on to doing girls hair because at this moment they will get styles from me, nappy or ponytail.

**I wanted to add a link to Piggy Paint for any of those moms or dads that wanted to give it a look if they had not heard about it yet, it's 100% safe which is a bonus for me. Like their slogan "As natural as mud" really does hold true.

Daddy Day Care Tip #5 As a father don't be afraid of jumping into new things and giving them a try. I know Piggy Paint is not camouflage or black eye paint but you shouldn't hold that against them. It's an exciting thing and I would hate for any father to miss out on even the smallest moment with their babies simply because "painting nails" is not a guy thing. I can promise you from one dad to another that before it's all said and done I will be the best nail painter, make-up applier, hair doer in the whole world if it gives me even 10 more minutes with each one of my angels!

The Graveyard Shift

Hello everyone, it's me again. I found myself sitting at work with nothing important to do so I figured why not write a little bit. Write about what you ask? I was thinking why not what goes on when I wake up to feed the girls at 3 AM in the morning, I'll give a short playwright in the perspective of myself. Hope you all enjoy


As the alarm goes off and my mind realizes I literally just laid down 4 hours ago I throw my legs over the side of the bed and let my eyes adjust, at that time I also think it's about time to change my contacts because they no longer feel like contacts yet small pieces of sandpaper. After getting dressed I stumble out to the livingroom where Heather is doing an amazing job with the girls. Bottles are made, babies are slowly starting to stir because it's time for food and here she is a modern day super hero!

We talk for a little as I ask how the girls were, any issues, you now the standard questions you ask when your about to take over the care of 4 little girls. I give her a kiss and a hug as she usually departs for the bedroom if not just grabbing a pillow and laying down on the couch. At that time I usually wander into the kitchen to grab the bottles and make sure everything is good, though I tell myself that's what I am doing I can't help but grab one of those brownies Heather made, or a thing of yogurt real quick because I feel I haven't eaten in ages.

Bottles in hand I make my back into the living room scooping up one of the girls as I find a comfortable spot on the couch, turning on the TV I scan through until something looks good, which usually winds up being SyFy, Disney or Cartoon Network right now. Regardless I find something and begin feeding the girls and wouldn't you know it, it never fails what I was watching goes off and someone opens the floodgates for the infomercials!

OMG! Did you know that for 79.95 I can buy the initial set of the Presidents Quarters! The man literally just told me that I'm really only paying for the awesome cherry oak chest they come in, how can I resist such an offer! I mean then it's only another 50.00 dollars a month for each subsequent set of quarters!
"Channel Change"

Aurora is about finished, I make sure I burp her, change her and lay her back down. Picking up Bristol I begin to hear another sales pitch startup... Though this one yells at me telling me I need to focus on the future and "Buy in Belize", I hear this phrase at least 15 more times in the 15 minutes the commercial is on, it lets me know how great my life and retirement will be if I "Buy in Belize". At this point I am frustrated because I want to know how quickly I could get a real estate agent on the phone and then realize it's only 3:30 in the morning...
"Channel Change"

Finishing up Bristol I find myself back in the kitchen getting the next set of bottles ready and again stealing another brownie..(Might be why I find myself getting a little round around the waist). Bottles in hand I move back into the living room grabbing up another baby and nestle back down into the hole I am creating in the couch cushion. She latches on to the bottle and I begin to zone in on the TV again wondering what is next....

As you can see this pattern continued until around 4:30 when I was finished feeding all the girls, the things I saw and was propositioned to purchase just blows my mind. There are so many weird things out there that people will try and sell you. Flat hoses, a weird hair curler thing, the famous snuggie. I mean the list really goes on and on and on....

Daddy Day Care Tip #3 If you are going to pull the late shift to feed the girls refrain from having your credit card and or a phone near you, when your half asleep god knows what you'll end up buying and not remember until you open the door one day and sign for a package which just so happens to contain the first set of Presidential Quarters!!

The Evil Pediatrician!

Yesterday marked one of the bigger milestones in our babies life, it was their first real doctors appointment. Their 2 month checkup to be exact. So please sit back and grab a snack while I share with you what was The Greene Quads first doctors visit.

As one would expect from parents of quads it's 12:30 and we need to be at the doctor by 1:00 so both of us are trying to finish up feeding babies, dress babies and put babies in car seats without the adding benefits of spitting up. Then the real fun starts when you watch me try and fit all the carseats into the van.... Needless to say if I thought of gaining 5 pounds there is noway 2 of our children will be able to go in the back. Well all I can say to that was mission accomplished! We were able to make it there with plenty of time to spare.

Once we got to the doctors things got kinda weird since this was also the very first time we have taken all 4 babies out in public, which let me tell you turns into a small circus attraction which at first really got under my skin but eventually wore off though the questions started coming and it seems to be the same questions over and over again...

Are they identical? No they are not identical...

What fertility drugs did you use? None, I know it's hard to believe but 4 babies can come natural.

Are they boys? Are you serious, did the all pink carseat covers not give it away.

So it was just a parade of random people wanting to come over and see the girls, ask questions, bless us and offer their support and wishes. Even one lady saying she would love to be their godmother.... who even says that in a doctors office....

After that we finally got to go in and see the doctor. Our first stop was vitals.
Aurora - 6 pounds 4 ounces, vitals great.
Bristol - 5 pounds 15 ounces, vitals great
Ryleigh - 5 pounds 14 ounces, vitals great
Arianna - 5 pounds 11 ounces, vitals great

It was great news to find out that the girls are not in the 50% nationally for their weight which is awesome since they have been staying in the 10% while they were in the NICU.

So after vitals we got to see the doctor which was relatively painless and quick, we were told they are strong for their age and that they are doing great, which for us is great news! The next person for us to see was not the bearer of good news, it was the immunizations lady which for the girls... and mommy was not a good thing. The shots themselves were nothing out of the ordinary, they cried and screamed but it lasted just a few seconds after they were done with the shots. The fun started when we got home...

The girls had a long day so we expected nothing different when we got them home and they were very fussy and not interested in eating. We did everything we could to ease them through the night and I am happy to announce that when I fed them this morning they all appeared to be back to normal. They ate very well and were pretty joyful and playful while they were eating. So I know for myself this was a new experience but atleast I now know what to expect when doctor days come around.

Daddy Day Care Tip #2 Make sure that you are prepared for the aftermath of the visit. Your baby may be fussy, run a low grade fever, and have knots at the injection site. These things are all normal and should not be a cause for concern, simply comfort them and let them recover in their own way. Work with them, even though it may be time for them to eat don't get frustrated if they are not overly hungry give them a little and if they start fighting you try again a little later. Try not to use medical intervention if you can avoid it. If it's needed please consult your physician first to make sure they agree and can inform you of the best course of action.